With Veterans Day just a few days away, the Housing Crisis Center turned the clock back on Friday, November 6, for the Fifth Annual Patriot Party. Nearly 200 gals and guys turned the legendary Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek into “A Night At The Officers Club” to raise funds “to provide safe, stable housing for the 81 veterans” in the HCC program.
While some like mother-daughter Beth Mathis and Shelly Mathis took full advantage of the theme donning vintage World War II garb, others like HCC Executive Director Sherri Ansley and Honorary Co-Chair Lisa Cooley were in 21st century duds, a pink dress and Louboutin stilettos in Lisa’s case. She told how she had joined a passel of other ladies at NorthPark just a couple of days before to meet Christian Louboutin himself.
Speaking of Louboutin, Cooley financial fellow Larry Hackett was spotted in his newest acquisition —Louboutin-signed loafers. One shoe read, “I see you” and the other, “Larry Love you long time.”
While guests like Jordyn and Scott Summerall, Tracy Lange, Nancy Gopez and Sunie and Steve Solmon enjoyed a risotto bard, mini-lobster rolls and smoked salmon in the Promenade, Ricki Derek and his band played in the ballroom.
On the dance floor Kathy and Jerry Warwick, Laura Brewer and David Moore stole the show with the best moves this side of a USO Canteen Party. They didn’t fool anybody. They were professional swing-dancers, who knew each other from the Sons of Hermann Hall.